According to the UPA, 13 partisans died in the battle: The leader "Wowk" (surname unknown); leader - Mychajlo Orenczak "Solomej" (age 36), Wolodymyr Chajus "Sowa" (age 38), rifleman "Bulawa" (surname unknown), Mychajlo Danyliuk "Mucha" (age 29), "Heroj" (surname unknown), Wolodymyr Iwanczyk "Strum" (age 23), Stepan Komar "Trawyczka" (age 24), Wolodymyr Pidhirnyj "Dysk" (age 26), "Poticznyj" (surname unknown), Stepan Snida "Krywyj", Mykola Wintoniuk "Czobit" (age 19), and Wasyl Worobec "Popowycz". All were buried in Strubowiska.
On March 21, 1945, units of NKVD, together with branches of the Polish Army conducted an attack on the village of Struboviska, county Lesko. At this time soldiers from "Veselyj's" (Gay's) sotnya were stationed in the village. Some of them suffered from typhus and were being treated in houses throughout the village.
The liaison officer suddenly brought news to the village, that from the direction of Cisna (Tisna) multitudes of army units are approaching. The insurgents started preparations for evacuation of the village, along with the sick. "Veeyt" (elderman) of the village, Stakhurskyj, started to beg them not to retreat, but to defend the village against the enemy.
That in effect was what was decided to do. Defensive positions, far from inhabited houses, were taken. When the enemy approached, it was met with a hail of insurgent bullets. Such "welcome", perhaps, neither the Poles, nor Russians anticipated. Many of them fell down as corpses, quite a few were wounded. At that time a Russian captain was killed, after whom, as it was rumored, many nurses were competing. It was said, that he survived the long trek all the way from Lenino to Berlin, and that these "khakhly" brought upon his death.
The insurgents lost 15 men. They were buried outside the fenced-in area of the local cemetery. One witness of these events, Semen Plishka, is alive today (he dug out the gravesites and buried them). It is possible, that subsequently (this remains to be confirmed) the bodies of the insurgents were re-buried at a country churchyard by their brothers-in-arms, those that survived.
On this unforgettable day, the Polish Army, together with members of the NKVD, began to burn the village. This was a frightful picture. Never in my life will I be able to forget it. The village was burned down completely. Out of 70 houses only 3 remained. The enemy excesses on the civilian population went beyond belief. Mad in their search for vengeance. Four innocent families died, along with their 4 children and 4 accidental persons - inhabitants of Struboviska. Elderly people, who failed to run away into the forest, the invaders caught by their burning houses and exiled to Siberia, from where a majority of them never returned. I am adding a list of those that were murdered and exiled to Siberia to this story.
Inhabitants of Struboviska murdered on March 21, 1945, (17 persons): Stanislav Rusyn, Anastasiya Rusyn, Eva Rusyn, Olena Rusyn, Mykola Varkholyak, Anna Varkholyak, Hryhoryj Varkholyak, Anastasiya Varkholyak, Jurij Milavchak, Eva Milavchak, Kateryna Milavchak, Mariya Milavchak, Eva Milavchak, Kateryna Milavchak, Kateryna Salamashchak, Eva Salamashchak, and Kateryna Salamashchak.
Inhabitants of Struboviska, exiled on March 21, 1945 to Siberia: Stanislav Berezhanskyj, Vasyl Koval, Eva Koval, Ivan Rusyn, Ivan Rusyn, and Vasyl Stakhurskyj.
Even though a lot of time has elapsed since these events had occurred, I don't have the strength to forget them. Those, whose lives were taken in a horrible, inhuman way, stand in front of me, as if alive. Their image, along with the picture of my disfigured native village, will be kept and will painfully shout from my soul to my last days.
Yuryj Sivanych, (from Czapin Wielke )
An inhabitant of Wetlina recalls that the only survivors of Strubowiska were those who fled to nearby villages during the battle. When the village was entered by the soldiers there were only 26 people, elderly and children, who stayed behind. All of them were herded into a house, which was set on fire, and those who run away from the burning house were fired upon and thrown back into the fire. That’s how they all died.
According to Polish accounts, the battle lasted almost a whole day and took place within inhabited houses. As a result of this fight, the whole village burned down. 84 underground soldiers were killed, along with inhabitants of the village. Twice as many were wounded. The casualties by the attackers were a few killed and several wounded.
From this inferno only 3-5 houses survived. The rest burned down. Afterwards people built some underground shelters / tents. Then, in the summer they started to rebuild. The majority of the residents of Strubowiska were taken out, by force, to Ukraine in 1946 (about 230 people?). As part of Akcji Wisla during April 28 - May 10, 1947, 30 people were deported from the village. These people were from the families Beresoslky, Berezanski, Popovich (altogether 13 or 14 people) and two Gypsy families. After deportation, nobody remained. The Ukrainian families ended up in the village of Trzesacza, in western Pomerania, the Gypsys from Strubowiska now reside in Szczecin.
Today in Strubowiska there are several new houses. The village is a seat for soltys.
1552-1595 Mateusz Bal III
1598-before 1617 Samuel Bal (son of Matuesz III)
before 1617-1617 Piotr Bal II (brother of Samuel)
1617-1646 Adam Bal (son of Piotr)
1646-about 1665 Aleksander Bal (son of Adam)
about 1665-about 1690 Stefan Bal (brother of Adam)
about 1690-1711 Jan Bal IV (son of Stefan)
1711-1714 Ignacy Bal (son of Jan IV)
1714-1770 Barbara of Andrassa, primo voto Balowa, secundo voto Pothaymowa, and after him Salomea of Bal Karsznicka
1770-before 1790 Piotr Karsznicki
1790-1829 Franciszek Count Los(1756-1829)
1829-before 1846 Karol Count Los (1800-1854)
1846 Sylwester Brzescianski
1855 Franciszek Majchrowicz
after 1855-1862 Stanislaw and Florian Brzescianscy
1862-1867 Edward Coount Lubienski (1819-1867)
from 1867 Konstancja ze Slubowskich Count Lubienska (born 1827)
about 1875-1880 Adela Count Dawidow
about 1885-1890 Izydor Odillon Allair
about 1895-1904 Stanislaw Wysocki
1904-1908 Maksymilian Straetz (zm. 18. VIII.1908)
from 1908 Dydynscy
1926 Boleslaw Dydynski (654ha) and Ignacy Count Krasicki (368 ha)
1930 Boleslaw Dydynski
1932-1937 Lucja, Klementyna and Ksawery Borck Prek ze Lwowa
1938-1939 Lucjan Borck Prek z Kalnicy
Year |
Number |
Number of Residents |
Number of People by Faith |
Greek Catholic |
Roman Catholic |
Jewish |
1785 |
111 |
111 |
0 |
0 |
1790 |
96 |
1831 |
173 |
1847 |
198 |
1849 |
159 |
1852 |
32 |
1857 |
193 |
1867 |
174 |
1869 |
36 |
255 |
1873 |
201 |
1879 |
254 |
1880 |
36 |
250 |
231 |
0 |
19 |
1884 |
302 |
1890 |
264 |
1895 |
266 |
0 |
2 families |
1910 |
278 |
1914 |
346 |
1918 |
189 |
1921 |
53 |
278 |
256 |
0 |
22 |
1921 |
Reported by nationality: 256 Rusyns and 22 Poles |
1930 |
298 |
290 |
0 |
8 |
1936 |
318 |
1938 |
330 |
1943 |
346 |
1945 |
330* |
1947 |
30 |
1995 |
14 |
51 |
* Before March 21, 1945
In a report prepared in 1790, the local priest mentioned 4 children, who according to him, were qualified to attend school. There is no information if a school existed in the village during the Austrian occupation. In the 1930’s, the school was located in a leased house. In the fall of 1935, with the inhabitants of Przyslup, they jointly started the construction of a school in Strubowiska. By March of 1936, all of the lumber construction was in place. The construction advanced quickly; some people were helping the experts, others were making shingles, and others were cleaning up the ground for the school. The school was opened in the same year. The school was a wooden building with one classroom, a room for living quarters, kitchen, two rooms and storage for the teacher, who was Zygmunt Bak. All the children attended first grade, but after six months the teacher transferred some students to the second grade. In the winter of 1936 to 1937, the teacher began organizing classes for the adults. But this effort had little effect. In 1939, there were still many illiterate people in the village. Only three farmers subscribed to the newspaper, Narodnia Sprawa. From the beginning of the existence of the school they used textbooks in Lemko, which were introduced in 1934. This were the Lemkiwskyj Bukwar(Lemko Primer) and the Persza Lemkiwska Czytanka (First Lemko Reader). The letter below illustrates the attitude of the local inhabitants to these books:
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Two ladies raking hay |
Director of Public School in Strubowiska
Strubowiska, October 24, 1936
In response to a secret letter from October 12,1936.
To the school inspector in Sanok.
In regard to your letter of the 12 of this month, I am responding to your questions.
1. What kind of difficulties did you encounter when using the Lemko Primer.
I do not use the Lemko primer. Then what kind of difficulties could I encounter by not using it. First of all is from the side of the inhabitants. In Strubowiska, people do not wish to hear about Lemko books and if they were introduced the more incorrigible ones like soltys Stachurski and his committee, Ivan Rusyn, maintain that they would not accept these books. Even today they do not know what kind of books are being used for the first grade, because I do not discuss the subject with them. I try to squeeze my way out of it by saying that I am waiting for a letter telling me which kind of books to use. Besides this, I also came across some difficulties of personal nature. I know the Lemko dialect sufficiently that I can talk with the children and read discussions to which I, among other things, must prepare myself for the language. If I had to use this Lemko primer, there would probably be more difficulties and work that I would have to realize in this direction myself.
2. What is the attitude of the local inhabitants to being taught in the local language?
The inhabitants don’t want to learn anything in this language. Some are concerned that the Lemko books will spoil their language. Who told them about this difference is not known, one can only assume. I also notice reluctance and concern of the inhabitants that their language will become secondary. At home they are asking the children, how does the teacher talk to them in Polish or "po Rusku."
Bak Zygmunt
During the German occupation there was an active Ukrainian school in the village, whose teacher was Szworda.
The Greek Catholic Cerkwa
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Photo of Cerkwa built in 1843, taken about 1934. |
The Greek Catholic church was a branch of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary church in Kalnica. The earlier one, which was wooden, was built around 1700. According to report from 1756, it was built with two peaks and a bell tower was later added to the Cerkwa. The bell tower had two bells. The last church was also built of lumber and was constructed in 1843. The interior of was covered with wood, like barrel staves. It was destroyed after 1945. All that remains are the three wrought iron crosses, which at one time decorated the Cerkwa, currently they rest on the graves in the cemetery. At the location where the Cerkwa used to stand, grows a clump of fir trees.
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Cross #1 from the cerkwa, 1989. |
Cross #2 from the cerkwa, 1989. |
Photo of roadside chapel, 1989. |
Until 1785, Strubowiska existed as a separate parish, then the village was combined with the parish of Kalnica. In the first half of the 19th century both locations were incorporated into the parish at Smerek.
In the 19th and 20th centuries, the parish of Smerek received from Strubowiska contributions of the following levels:
1890 and 1895 --- 12 morgs of field and 34 cords of oak wood.
1910 -- 11 morgs of land.
In 1852, the cemetery by the cerkva had the shape of an uneven seven-sided figure with the surface of 13 ares. Later, it was enlarged and now covers about 50 ars (about 1.2 acres). It is completely overgrown with trees. Only a few gravesites have survived.
A road cross, most likely a wooden one, was situated at the place where a chapel, described below, now stands. It existed in 1852 and in 1878; it is not indicated on the map from 1914. The chapel by the road, built of stone, has a place inside for a statue and is covered with a two-sloped roof. The chapel is surrounded by a semi-circle of linden trees. It is located along the road through the village, 300 meters south of the main road. It was financed by Wasyl Podolak, in about 1920. It is in effect, placed at the site of the wooden cross, which was described above.
In 1852 there were no large estates. We do not know if any existed earlier. In 1868, the estate consisted of 842.5 ha, within that only 4.0 ha of tillable land, meadows and orchards 5.6 ha, grazing land 19.6 ha, and forest 817.8 ha. The forest belonging to the village of Strubowiska and Smerek, lies on the southern slopes of the border belt; it belonged to an estate in Kalnica, during the interwar period.
Before the war, houses in Strubowiska were built from lumber with whitewashed walls and thatched roofs. By the houses, there were stone cellars (so-called sklepy) covered with a little roof. The walls were lined with stones, with the portion above ground constructed of lumber. Most frequently, the water was drawn with a pole with a hook on it. Only some nearby wells were like cranes (windlass?). The older wells are covered over but one brick one remains. After 1960, several new homes were built in the village. One of them has an interesting construction, which resembles the traditional Alpine (chalet) house construction. These houses are located in the neighborhood of the chapel described above.
The narrow gauge railroad from Majdan to the hamlet of Beskid and Smerek. During the years 1900-1904 the segment from Majdan to Kalnica was built. During 1908-1909 the segment from Szpickiery (in Strubowiska) to Beskid (in Smerek) was constructed. This undertaking was financed by the landowners who owned the forest estates in Cisna and Kalnica, which stretched in a closed complex along the border from Wielky Jasla until Paportna. The railroad functioned until 1944. In the 1970’s, on this abandoned railroad track a hard road was constructed on the stretch from Majdan to Przyslup. In the 1980’s, it was extended to Smerek and Kalnica. A completely new track, built between 1957 and 1964, was laid at a lower altitude than the previous one. This railroad joined Majdan with Moczarne. It functioned until 1993.
Map showing location of the gristmill on stream Bystry, |
The watermill in the upper part of the village was on the stream called the Bystry. In 1852, this was a wooden mill with one wheel. It was located along a stretch of about 200 meters which was dug out on the left side of the stream. This was located about 2,600 meters above the estuary of the stream where it enters the Wetlinka. In the interwar period there existed in Strubowiska a mill which was located in the main current of the brook from which water was directed through a wooden trough onto the wheel. It belonged to one of the residents with a surname Rusyn.
Forestkeeper’s House Spieczkary, by the brook Bystry, in the place where the narrow gauge railroad split and went to Kalnica and Beskid. The narrowness of this valley in Bystry dictated that here was the sharpest turn in the railroad on the track from Majdan - Beskid. From it came the name of this location and also the name of the forest keeper’s house. In German, Spieczkary means sharp turn. The forest keeper’s house originated in 1914, in order to keep an eye on the forest, which belonged to an estate in Kalnica. In 1935 there were two buildings standing here. During the interwar period the forestkeeper’s name was Ludwik Maslyk.
Karczma, the inn was located along the road through the village, 30 meters to the north from the cross by the road, described earlier. It belonged to the estate. In 1852, this was a wooden building in the shape of a rectangle with dimensions of 17.3 by 8.4 meters. Its existence was also noted in 1890.
The oil house existed during the interwar period.
Blacksmith and fiddler Tynio Haluszka (a Gypsy). He was active during the interwar period. He constructed metal rims for wheels and carriages, sleds, hoes, plowshares, axes, etc. For his work he would accept only food, never money. In addition to the residents of Stubowiska, the residents of Kalnica and Przyslup also took advantage of his blacksmith services. As a fiddler, he used to play at weddings and dances, even though he could barely hear.
The store was operated during the interwar period by a Jew named Herzsko.
After 1947
The Forest Keeper’s House. Became government property in the late 1950’s under ZBL. It belongs to the forest keeper in Cisna.
1) Bagno Mochnaczka, forest between Strubowiska and Kalnica
2) Barynskie Forest and fields between Strubowiska and Kalnica
3) Berdo Forest and slope to the north of road between Krywe and Kalnica
4) Bystryj Stream Bystry, border between Strubowiska and Smerek Chlopskyj Staw Field south side of the road to Kalnica (tillable land of Kalnica)
5) Byskid Border ridge
6) Czerenyna Glade on the ridge between Jaslo and Okraglikiem
7) Dil Tillable land east of the lower and middle part of the village
8) Dolyna Field east of the village (by the church)
9) Horbik Forest at eastern part of the village
10) Horbky Field north of the road Krywe to Kalnica
11) Hranyca Field among the built up area of Przyslup and Strubowiska
12) Hrb Forest along the stream Bystry
13) Jablyn Forest north of the road Krywe-Kalnica, between Strubowiska and Kalnica
14) Jaworysz Field north of road Krywe - Kalnica
15) Kalnyci Meadow on the southern side of the road to Kalnica
16) Kalnyczka Stream, left tributary of the Wetlinki
17) Kalnyczka Field on the west at lower end of the village
18) Kolo Bystroho Field east part of the village near the stream Bystry
19) Kolo Mlyna Field on the stream Bystry
20) Kruhlak Clearing on the ridge between Jaslo and Okraglik
21) Krupowiszcza Forest at eastern side of Jaslo
22) Lazy Meadows east side of Jaslo
23) Medzyputia Forest and field east of lower end of the village
24) Mirky Same as 1) Bagno above Mochnaczka Jewish fields near Okraglik
25) Moniszowa Meadows at eastern side of Jaslo
26) Nazaraczky Field at south of road to Kalnica (land of Kalnica see 35) Panskyj Staw
27) Pastwisko Field east of the upper end of the village
28) Pawlykania Forest north side of road Krywe -Kalnica between Przyslup & Kalnica
29) Piddilnyci Pasture east of the upper end of the village
30) Pohari Meadow at the east side of Jaslo
31) Polanky Name ??
32) Roztoky Tillable field east of built up area
33) Staji Fields east of the built up area
34) Staw Chlopskyj See number 4)
35) Staw Panskyj See number 26)
36) Szpickiery Name given to forestkeeper’s house near narrow gauge railroad
37) Tyn (Tynok) Terrain between Smereka and Kalnica
38) Tyndryk Forest below Smerek, high part of the Kindrat valley
39) Wjasiw Jaslo peak (1153 meters)
40) Za Dilom Part of the village of Smerek (3 houses) near the road Smerek-Kalnica
41) Za Dolyna Field east of the built up are, by the church
42) Za Horbikom Meadow at eastern part of the village
43) Za Horbom Meadow at eastern part of the village
44) Zwirci Field west of the village
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Map showing location of local terrain names. |
Mr. Jerzy Savanich, from Czapin Wielke near Trzebiatowa, February 1996
Mr. Michael Berezansky, from New York, April 1996.
Bieszczady, Slownik Historyczno-Krajoznawczy, Czesc 2, Gmina Cisna.
By Marcin Gruszcynski, Wojciech Krukar, and Stanislaw Krycinski
Towarzystwo Karpackie
Wydawnictwo Stanislaw Krycinski
Warszawa 1996
ISBN 83-85531-07-6