St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Church - Ambridge, PA
The organization of the St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Church
in Ambridge, began on July 25, 1925, through the efforts of Reverend Dziombra
as the original organizer. The first Church Mass was held at the Russo-Carpathian
Hall, with the Very Rev. Clemovich officiating.
After the first few weeks, services were held in the church which is at present
owned by the Croatian parish, located on Melrose Avenue and Fourth St. Services
were continued here until 1928, when plans were begun for the building of the
present Ukrainian Orthodox Church, situated at Melrose Avenue and Ninth St.
With personal donations and declarations of the members, together with the
unceasing guidance and efforts of Rev. John Senchuk, the building of the church
was ac-complished.
In the following years to come, the church endured many hard-ships and financial
difficulties in surviving. With the untiring efforts of the entire congregation,
coupled with the spiritual guidance of its former pastors and the present Rev.
Dworakivsky, the edifice is celebra-ting its Fifteenth Anniversary and the
Burning of the Mortgage.
The parish has had the leadership and guidance of the following pastors:- Rev.
Clemovich, Rev. D. Sidlecky, Rev. J. Senchuk, Rev. A. Revera, Rev. M. Kashuba,
Rev. A. Yllanetsky, Rev. 0. Mycyk, Rev. J. Senchuk (2nd time), Rev. M. Maruschak,
Rev. E. Korolyshyn, Rev. W. Zahoruyko and Rev. A. Dworakivsky.
The first choir director was John Gos, Sr., while at present John Gos, Jr.
is serving in this capacity.
The following are organized by the church:- Choir "Lyssenko" composed
of mixed voices; Sisterhood "Presl. Pokrowy", and Ukrainian evening
classes for the youth.
The value of the Church property is estimated at $50,000.00
St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Church Ambridge, Penna.
Peter Karasko, President
Michael Szybinrsky, Vice President
Semeon Dnistran, Financial Secretary
John Gos, Jr., Vice Financial Secretary
Theodore Gebet, Recording Secretary
Michael Wenzowsky, Vice Recording Secretary
Steve Belley, Treasurer
Michael Lyseyko, Vice Treasurer
Michael Oschypok
Stanley Muha
Michael Fuk
Lesio Hrynievicb
John Papinchak
John Melnyk
Steve Beley
Andrew Chlysta
Paul Chaluplak
Jacob Lystak
Peter Midzianowsky
Andrew Kmetyk
Nicholas Yarosh
Jacob Lysiak
Michael Szybinsky
Michael Lyseyko
Peter Karbashewsky
Konstancy Hanewych
Nicholas Lypcan
Michacl Lyseyko - janitor
Naum Hanewych
Arthur Gresh
Paul Tretiak
John Garbinsky
William Zazwirsky
Walter Dworakivsky
John Welgus
Joseph Buzar
11:00 A.M.- Pontifical High Mass. The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrystostom
in the Ukrainian Language according to the Greek Ukrainian Rite, pontificated
by His Excellency The Most Rev. John Theodorovich, Ukrainian Archbishop of
U. S. A. and Canada. Assisted by Rev. John Senchuk of Scranton, Pa., Rev.
Michael Zaparyniuk of Trenton, N. J., Rev. John Sawchak of Philadelphia,
Pa., Rev. Omelan Mycyk of Chester, Pa., Rev. Dmitro Leschyshyn of Cleveland,
0., Rev. Anthony Stangry of Youngstown, Ohio, Rev. Eugene Korolyshyn of -
Pittsburgh, Pa., Rev. George Paulowsky of Arnold, Pa., and Rev. Andrew Dworakivsky
present pastor.
Sermons will be preached by His Excellency Archbishop John Theodorovich.
The Church Choir "Lysenko" of Ambridge, Pa., will sing during the
High Mass. Mr. John Gos, Jr., conductor of Choir.
Following the High Mass, Memorial Service (Panachyda) will be held for the
deceased members of the Congregation.
2:00 P.M.- Special turkey dinner at the American Legion Hall, Duss Avenue and
4th Street. His Excellency Archbishop will be Guest of Honor. Toastmaster,
Rev. Omelan Mycyk, of Chester, Pa. assisted by Mr. William Katcher.
Brief addresses by Prominent Speakers, and Greetings from various Organizations
and Societies will be delivered during the Dinner, and Burning of the Mortgage.
Concert by attending Choir "Lysenko" under the direction of Mr. John
Gos, Jr.
Songs and Calisthenics of our Youth, directed by Mrs. Anastasia Dworakivsky.
Final address by Most Rev. John Theodorovich.
Finale, American and Ukrainian Hymn.
Andrus Peter, Nellie 920 Duss Avenue Ambridge, Pa.
Andrusyshyn Dmytro, Mary 2645 Manning St. Ambridge, Pa.
Babich Paraskewia Pine Street Ambridge, Pa.
Bac Dmytro Ill 12th Street Conway, Pa.
Balandest Theodore, Mary 721 Milton Street Baden, Pa.
Batalik Wasyl, Paraskewia 1641 Church Street Ambridge, Pa.
Beley Martin, Catherine 265 Glenwood Avenue Ambridge, Pa.
Beley Steve, Catherine 12th Street Ambridge, Pa.
Beley Wasyl 16 Beech Street Fair Oaks, Pa.
Belkowsky Arthur, Elizabeth 853 Heber Street Baden, Pa.
Birciw Ignac, Anna P. 0. Box Baden, Pa.
Bizyk Stephen, Anastasia 1001 5th Street Ambridge, Pa.
Bobak John, Francis 733 Valley Road Ambridge, Pa.
Brozych 616 Glenwood Avenue Ambridge, Pa.
Burka Eugenia 811 18th Street Ambridge, Pa.
Bushik Andrew, Catherine 820 21st Street Ambridge, Pa.
Buzar Joseph, Catherine 1607 Merchant Street Ambridge, Pa.
Chalupiak Paul P. 0. Box 3 11 Baden, Pa.
Chaluplak Myron, Anna 8th Street Extention Ambridge, Pa.
Chelak Stephen 820 21st Street Ambridge, Pa.
Chlopak Alex 45t Maplewood Ave. Ambridge, Pa.
Cholodiuk Katherine 362 11 th Street Conway, Pa.
Cholodiuk Peter 362 1 ith Street Rochester, Pa.
Cucura Sam 1201 Irwin Street Aliquippa, Pa.
Dnistran Semon 616 Glenwood Ave. Ambridge, Pa.
Dnistran Semon, Caroline 4th Avenue Conway, Pa.
Dominsky Harry 115 10 th Street Conway, Pa.
Dubik Michael, Helen 1692 Ohioview Ambridge, Pa.
Dushkewicz Stephen, Anna 1687 Henrici Street Ambridge, Pa.
Dzeryn John, Julia 801 20th Street Ambridge, Pa.
Elko Theodore 833 Anthony Wayne Dr. Byersdale, Pa.
Fedycky Stephen P. 0. Box Freedom, Pa.
Fetchyn Nicholas 1041 Pine Street Ambridge, Pa.
Fetczyk Dmytro 1001 Short Street Ambridge, Pa.
Finch John, Suzanne 2407 Beaver Road Ambridge, Pa.
Frynkewicz Michael, Tillie 515 Wilson Avenue Ambridge, Pa.
Frynkewicz Theodore 516 Pine Street Ambridge, Pa.
Fuke Michael, Anna 946 Melrose Avenue Ambridge, Pa.
Garbinsky John, Katherine 1005 Short Street Ambridge, Pa.
Gebet Theodore, Sophia 942 Hazel Avenue Ambridge, Pa.
Gerega Dmytro, Rose 1703 Lenz Avenue Ambridge, Pa.
Godomsky Anna 816 11 th Street Ambridge, Pa.
Gos John, Jr. Lucille 705 Olive Lane Ambridge, Pa.
Gos John, Sr. Jaroslawa Woodland Road Harmony Twp.
Granowich Alex. 317 Locust Street Ambridge, Pa.
Gresh John, Katherine 336 Pine Street Ambridge, Pa.
Gruna Nicholas, Teophilia 633 Beaver Road Ambridge, Pa.
Halaban Metro 920 Duss Avenue Ambridge, Pa.
Hanewicz Constantine, Rose 618 Maplewood Ave. Ambridge, Pa.
Hendrickson William, Catherine 63 Church Street Ambridge, Pa.
Homziak Stephen, Pauline 798 Elmer Street Ambridge, Pa.
Hryckowian Andrew, Mary Phillips Street Ext. Baden, Pa.
Hryckowian Michael Phillips Street Ext. Baden, Pa.
Hrycyk, Theodore, Eva Syl-van Road Harmony Twp.
Husak Theodore, Anna 798 Valley Road Ambridge, Pa.
Ivanicky Stephen 150 Virginia Avenue Ambridge, Pa.
Karasko Peter, Anastasia 853 Heber Street Baden, Pa.
Karbashewsky Peter 400 11 th Street Conway, Pa '
Katcher Wasyl, Mary Woodland Road Harmony Twp.
Kibash Wasyl, Catherine 2598 Mayfield Ave. Harmony Twp.
Kiefer Anna 913 4th Avenue Conway, Pa.
Kmetyk Andrew 421 Washington Street Leetsdale, Pa.
Kmit Edward 708 Chestnut Street Baden, Pa.
Kmit John 510 Stephen Street Ambridge, Pa.
Koronowsky John, Mary 2005 Beaver Road Ambridge, Pa.
Kostura Wasyl 1016 Rice Avenue Ambridge, Pa.
Kowal Wasyl Woodland Road Harmony Twp.
Kulczycky Anna 312 Pine Street Ambridge, Pa.
Kutaferis Nick, Anne 504 Melrose Avenue Ambridge, Pa.
Lazar William 606 Melrose Avenue Ambridge, Pa.
Lech Wasyl Woodland Road Harmony Twp.
Leseiko Michael 914 Lenz Avenue Ambridge, Pa.
Licowsky John 913 4th Avenue Conway, Pa.
Lypcan Nicholas 909 4th Avenue Conway, Pa.
Lysiak Jacob, Anna 336 Pine Street Ambridge, Pa.
Mack Metro 1005 11 th Street Ambridge, Pa.
Makar Nick, Olga 633 Beaver Road Ambridge, Pa.
Malecky Anna 945 Hazel Avenue Ambridge, Pa.
Markowsky Ben 1412 Lenz Avenue Ambridge, Pa.
Matiash Joseph 826 11 th Street Ambridge, Pa.
Maydack Michael, Helen 798 Elmer Street Ambridge, Pa.
Mazur John 1201 Merchant Street Ambridge, Pa.
Mazur Peter, Elizabeth 2008 Beaver Road Ambridge, Pa.
Melnychuk Wasyl 131 Neely Street Fair Oaks, Pa.
Melnyk John Eighth Street Extention Ambridge, Pa.
Melonic Metro, Nancy Ambridge Ave. Fair Oaks, Pa.
Michalsky Pelahia 198 Park Road Ambridge, Pa.
Midzianowsky John 16 Beech Street Fair Oaks, Pa.
Midzianowsky Michael 509 Melrose Avenue Ambridge, Pa.
Midzianowsky Peter, Christine 509 Maplewood Ave. Ambridge, Pa.
MIdzie John, Anne 758 Beaver Road Ambridge, Pa.
Monastersky John, Michalina 782 Franklin Avenue Aliquippa, Pa.
Moshora Charles, Mary 942 Hazel Avenue Ambridge, Pa.
Nadzak Walter, Olga 555 Ambridge Ave. Fair Oaks, Pa.
Nanowsky Alvin 511 Wilson Avenue Ambridge, Pa.
Novekosky John, Stella Woodland Road Harmony Twp.
Oczypok Michael 813 Beaver Road Ambridge, Pa.
Orlowsky Thomas, Mary 312 Pine Street Ambridge, Pa.
Pankiw Theodore 362 11 th Street Conway, Pa.
Papinchak John, Eva 498 Elm Road Ambridge, Pa.
Papinchak Michael 429 Elm Road Ambridge, Pa.
PauIo Nicholas, Anastasia 932 Harmony Avenue Ambridge, Pa.
Pitula John 1028 Hazel Avenue Ambridge, Pa.
Prokop Nicholas 9th Street Conway, Pa.
Rabovich Julia 699 Olive Lane Ambridge, Pa.
Russin Paul, Anne 447 Melrose Avenue Ambridge, Pa.
Shafran Anthony 85 15th Street Ambridge, Pa.
Shymoniak Metro 2204 Duss Avenue Ambridge, Pa.
Sikora Joseph, Helen 131 Neely Street Fair Oaks, Pa.
Skrabulak Michael, Anna 2611 Manning Street Ambridge, Pa.
Skrabut Metro 2537 Manning Street Ambridge, Pa.
Skrabut Michael, Katherine 2525 Manning Street Ambridge, Pa.
Stolar Metro Leetsdale, Pa.
Stolar Stephen, Rose 2126 Beaver Road Ambridge, Pa.
Stuban William, Catherine 1519 Lenz Avenue Ambridge, Pa.
Sudia Andrew, Mary 1010 8th Street Ambridge, Pa.
Swedick Moses, Mary 804 22nd Street Ambridge, Pa.
Sychak John 1030 Hazel Avenue Ambridge, Pa.
Syrko Andrew 567 Valley Road Ambridge, Pa.
Syrko Anthony, Eva 544 Valley Road Ambridge, Pa.
Szybinsky Michael 2005 Beaver Road Ambridge, Pa.
Tedorczyk Mary 110 9th Street Conway, Pa.
Tretiak Tillie 705 Olive Lane Ambridge, Pa.
Tucker Rose 1500 Merchant Street Ambridge, Pa.
Tucker Stephen, Anne 1500 Merchant Street Ambridge, Pa.
Ustan Anthony, Anna 2522 Mayfield Avenue Harmony Twp.
Vito John, Mary 63 Church Street Ambridge, Pa.
Waguriak Theodore Sylvan Road Harmony Twp.
Wartko Andrew, Yaraslawa 1005 Hazel Avenue Ambridge, Pa.
WeIgus Fenia 500 Pine Street Ambridge, Pa.
Wenzowsky Michael 616 Glenwood Avenue Ambridge, Pa.
Winiarczyk Stephen 492 Hazel Avenue Ambridge, Pa.
Woloshan John, Catherine 1003 Hazel Avenue Ambridge, Pa.
Woloshyn Hnat, Catherine 350 11 th Street Conway, Pa.
Woytovich Stephen 404 Park Road Ambridge, Pa.
Woytowich John 55 Ambridge Avenue Fair Oaks, Pa.
Yarosh Nicholas, Anna 828 23rd Street Ambridge, Pa.
Yaworsky Jacob 1808 Duss Avenue Ambridge, Pa.
Yayechnik John 114 Beaver Road Ambridge, Pa.
Yerega John, Anna 808 21 st Street Ambridge, Pa.
Zatchey Michael 1898 Lenz Avenue Ambridge, Pa.
Zawoysky Anthony Sharon, Pa.
Zazwirsky Alex, Julia 635 Melrose Avenue Ambridge, Pa.
Zuk Nicholas, Rose 300 Glenwood Drive Ambridge, Pa.
Michael Wenzowsky, Jr.
Wasyl Duleba
George Ustan
Maria Nazarewych
Mary Leseyko
Anna Halaban
Emilia Kostura
Stephen Hodowanec
Pazia Anastasia Godomsky
Adam Telischak
Peter Midzianowsky
Theodore Mrashynsky
Mary Andrusyshyn
Wasyl Wojtowych
William Yayechnyk
Peter Tokar
Mary Bobak
Semeon Telischak
Stephen MeInychuk
John Babych
Anna Shwediuk
Rozalia Fuk
Helen Waguriak
Prokop Semkiw
Maria Emryk
George Kosarych
Andrew Leseyko
Anna Yaworsky
Stephen Nanowsky
Helen Mathiash
George John Buzar
Wasyl Cholodiuk
Wasyl Kudra
John Burka
John Thedorchuk
Lesio Welgus
Elizabeth Hrynewich
Anna Madey
Harry Skubiak
Thom Pudyk
Michael Zatchey
Michael Sychak
Anna Buzar
Joseph Gadomsky
Julia Beley
Anna Sychak
Wasyl Syrko
Theodore Lesyk
Theodore Malycky
Peter Tretiak
Stephan Moshora
Peter Pitula
Andrus James
Andrus Michael, B.
Batalik Nicholas
Batalik William
Beley John
Beley Michael
Beley Nicholas
Birciw John
Burka Michael
Chaluplak Joseph
Chelak John
Chlopak George
Chlopak John
Chlopak Michael
Chlopak Stephen
Delkowsky Artur
Dnistran Charles
Dnistran John
Dominsky Michael
Dubik Andrew
Dublk Nicholas
Fedycky Harry
Fedycky William
Gebet Albert
Gebet Frank
Gebet Walter
Granovich William
Guzik John
Halaban Helen
Homziak Walter
Horchak Michael
Karasko Bohdan
Karasko William
Kibash Michael
Kostura Metro
Kowal John
Kudra John
Kulczycky George
Kulczycky Michael
Lawryk Michael
Lazar John
Lazar William
Leach John
Lypcan Andrew
Lysayko Charles
Lysayko Frank
Lysiak Bohdan
Lysiak Eugene
Mack John
Makar Nicholas
Markowsky John
Mazur Michael
Midzianowsky Paul
Midzianowsky William
Midzie Marie
Mironsky Frank
Mironsky Joseph
Mironsky Michael
Monastyrsky Chester
Mosura Charles
Mosura Steve
Orlowsky William
Papinchak Michael
Papinchak William
Paulo Andrew
Pitula Michael
Russin Paul
Shafran Michael
Shymoniak Stephen
Shymonlak Michael
Sikora Joseph
Stolar Andrew
Stolar William
Syrko John
Syrko Michael
Tedorchuk John
Tedorchuk Nicholas
Tokar John
Tokar Michael
Tokar Nicholas
Ustan Harry
Vito Michael
Waguriak Harry
Woloshyn Metro
Woloshyn Michael
Woloshyn Nicholas
Woloshyn Stephen
Woytovrych George
Woytowych Joseph
Woytowych Michael
Yaworsky Anthony
Yayechnyk John
Yayechnyk Michael
Yayechnyk Nicholas
Yerega Michael
Yerega William
Zatchey Metro
Zgainer Anthony
THEODORE BELEY Killed In Action, January 26, 1944 - In Italy
JOHN GODOMSKY Killed In Action, August 2, 1944 - In France
PETER SAMBOL Killed In Action, December 19, 1943 - In Italy
JOHVE BROZYCH Killed In Action, - 1944