The following is a best effort translation of the information contained in the Military Passport of George Warholic (1885-1968). This document is the only known surviving document or possession brought to the United States by George Warholic. The military ID or passport contains a total of 38 numbered pages, of which 8 through 25 are blank. The passport has a hard brown cloth cover and has the name Warcholak written in ink as shown in Figure 1. (Enlarged images of each of the figures may be viewed by clicking on the images, use the BACK feature of your browser to return to this document).
Figure 1
It is interesting to note that the spelling of the surname is exactly the same as that on the baptismal certificate of John Warholic (Ivan Warcholak), George's brother, which was obtained from Strubowiska. Attached are scanned reproductions of Xerographic copies of the document and translations of the pages containing personal data, most of which are self-explanatory. The following highlights some of the important facts and provides some additional information.
The second page (no page number) is shown in Figure 2. It shows that Jurko Warcholak was in an Infantry unit and appears to have been stationed or inducted at Sanok, a major town with a population of about 25,000 in Galicia.
Figure 2
Sanok is now located in Poland, but was formerly part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Sanok is located approximately 15 miles north of Kalnica, George Warholic's reported place of birth (most likely he was actually born in Strubowiska). The printing in this book is in German, which was the official language of Austria-Hungary. On later pages printed entries are in both German and Ukrainian (ruthenisch) in the Cyrillic alphabet. The script writing of the ink entries gets confusing, since it contains Latin and German script as well as some Ukrainian and apparently some Polish. The text in Figure 2 is translated as follows
Military Passport
Georg Warcholak
K.U.K Infantry Regiment Archduke Joseph Ferdinand No. 45
9th Field Company
Assignment Year 1906 Register Book No. 146
From Armaments Station: Sanok
Page 3 shows the place of residence (home of record) as Kalnica ad Cisna. The middle word of two or three letters appear to be "ad" but cannot be translated. Kalnica is in the District of Lisko (now called Lesko), which is another town (population about 3,000) in Galicia, now Poland.
Figure 3
Page 3 is interpreted as follows:
Rank - Infantryman
Name - Georg Warcholak
Troop Body (Institution) -
Battery (Train) Division - K.U.K. Infantry Regiment Archduke Joseph
Ferdinand No. 45
Subdivision - 9 Field Company
No. - 597
Assignment Year - 1906 Register
Book No. - 146
Enduring on Leave - After the seniority.
Authorized Home (belonging to):
Town - Kalnica
ad Cisna
Political District - Lisko
Suite - -/-
Country - Galicia
Belonging to Supplement No. - 45.
Page 4 shows George Warholic's place of birth as Kalnica, the same as the home address, and the year of his birth as 1885. The baptismal certificate of George's brother John reported that he was born in Strubowiska and was baptized in Smerek. His skill or trade was listed as a landsman, or farmer. Additional information shows that George spoke, but could not write Ruthenian.
Figure 4
Page 4 of the Military Passport is shown in figure 4 and is translated as follows:
Born in:
Town - Kalnica
Political District - Lisko
Suite -
Country - Galicia
Year - 1885
Skill, trade, other - Landsman
(Farm worker)
Professional training -
Special Characteristics -\-
Speak - Ruthenian
Write -/-
Height in centimeters - 172 (5'
Shoe size 10
Some of the script on page 5 is difficult to read and remains to be translated. On page 5 it is noted that George Warholic was assigned to the 45th Infantry Regiment on March 10, 1906. It appears his unit was not involved in any military campaigns, and there was no active fighting during his service period. This was a period of political change in Eastern Europe with several strikes and peasant uprisings in Russia and Poland.
Figure 5
Page 5 is translated as follows:
Assignment: On 10 March 1906 to the _________ in the Infantry Regiment No. 45.
Service Liability: Three years in the line, seven years in the reserves and two years in the Territorial Reserves.
Postponement of duty entrance: - -/-
Change into Reserve - 31 December
Territorial Reserve - 31
December 1916
Professional and special training and uses:
As infantryman very well trained
Company strengthening.
Campaigns, battles, and fights; wounds received: -
On page 6 it appears that George Warholic received one award or citation. In the middle of page 6 the city Przemysl is noted. This is a large city in Southeastern Poland located near the present Ukraine border. Below this a medical examination is noted for 4 September 1909, at Sanok.
Figure 6
Translation of page 6:
Possession of Bravery (recollections) medals and other distinctions:
Military: ?Jwbilaumsk?
Przemysl on 5 September 1909
Commander of
K.U.K Infantry Regiment
Archduke Joseph Ferdinand No. 45
Signature (Vralicek) and Seal
Medical Examine and ????????
Sanok on 4 September 1909
Signature (??)
Page 7 appears to be the official discharge from the Army. The Ukrainian at the top of the page has not been translated but is probably the same as the German. One of the signatures is that of Teodor Buchwak. Families with the Buchwak surname are known to have resided in Jaworzec and Wetlina, neighboring villages of Strubowiska.
Figure 7
On the bottom of page 7 it appears that a local discharge also took place with a signature and seal from Kalnica, on September 23, 1909. The stamp is perhaps the most interesting part of the whole document because it contains the name Kalnica, which was earlier stated as the place of birth and home of George Warholic. Also on the seal is the name Sturbowiska (This appears to be a misspelling of Strubowiska), which was listed as the place of birth on John Warholic's baptismal certificate. The seal on the original document is in red ink is so light and faded it is difficult to read.
Page 7 is translated as follows:
Supplement to the personal notes service performance and changes.
With travel allowance for the journey until Cisna is entitled.
Terminated on 3 September 1909.
K.U.K. 9th Company Commander
of the 45th Infantry Regiment.
Signature ?????
Do Pobytu.
Dnia 23/9 1909.
Tedor Buchwak
?title? gm.
"Do pobytu " is Polish for "for the trip" and "Dnia" is day in Polish.
The faded seal on page 7 is reproduced in Figure 8.
Figure 8
In the center is the name of the village Kalnica and around the outside the words Municipal office of Sturbowiska (either misspelled or misread from the poor original).
Pages 8 through 25 of the passport are blank.
Page 26 has some additional printed German relating to adding more
pages if needed, shown in Figure 9..
Figure 9
Pages 27 to 38 are printed in Ukrainian and have not been translated. These may be some Army regulations or policies but it is not known. The first page is shown in Figure 10.
Figure 10
On the last inside page someone made some calculations, apparently of George Warholic's age in 1906, 1910, and 1916, in which years he was 21, 25, and 31 years old, respectively, shown in Figure 11.
Figure 11
The last two pages of the passport, shown in Figure 12, are attached with metal fasteners and are duplicates. It is not known what these sheets are for, possibly when assigned to a new unit or for pass purposes.
Figure 12
George R. Warholic, written August 1, 1983, modified and corrected December 31, 1999.